Leaving a Legacy

The Second World War Impacted the Home Front

"The brave and skillful men and women of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery are dedicated to the task..."

"Battles cannot be fought and won without cost - and the cost may be heavy in ships and man. The brave and skillful men and women of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery are dedicated to the task of reducing the cost in men, saving lives on deck, in the engine room, in the sick bay, in alleviating suffering, in restoring the wounded to their duties as fighters for the cause of freedom."

Editor's Note: The impact of WWII reached far beyond the soldiers in the field. During this period, women and African Americans joined the work force, the economy improved significantly and new medial and technological advances abounded. Roosevelt was passionate about advocating for people with disabilities similar to his own. This quote was taken from a speech given by FDR at the Navy Medical Center in Maryland. The president played a large role in the planning of this center.

