
On this site, you can choose to follow the journey of a single person through space and time, or you can see where journeys diverge and intersect across common categories and themes. Here are some suggested ways to explore.

We also invite you to view excerpts from all of our Legacy Series and Immigrant Stories oral histories. Here, you can learn about key moments in the lives of those featured in Georgia Journeys by seeing and listening to them tell their own stories. You can also explore oral history clips related to World War II and the Holocaust by subject and theme. 

Our exhibits page features a set of topical mini exhibits for you to explore. Come back frequently to see what's new!

We also offer teacher's guides geared toward the Georgia Standards of Excellence. Our Georgia Journeys teacher's guide includes a number of guided explorations of the journeys on this site for 5th grade through 12th grade, and our teacher's guide for Online Exhibit Exploration is geared specifically to the 8th grade social studies standards. 

Finally, for university-level professor and students, we offer a self-paced educational module called Georgia Journeys: History and Memory, available for free upon request