Returning Home

A New Chapter

“And of course, when we saw the Statue of Liberty again, we were all cheering on deck, cheering, hollering, very happy.”  

“Well, we were in the Army of Occupation in Austria for about nine months. We left there in March, middle of March 1946, and we were on a liberty ship called the SS Madagascar. And we—I guess it was a seven-day trip. And of course, when we saw the Statue of Liberty again, we were all cheering on deck, cheering, hollering, very happy. So, we disembarked, and they sent us back to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, for discharge. And after processing, they put us on a train. And we were back home again.” 

“Well after being home, and that was April the 9th, 1946, we decided to enter summer school back at the University of Florida to try and catch up as much as we could to try and get our degrees. So that's what we did.” 

“When we had the GI Bill available, it made life easier. We did not discuss or talk about our military experience at all. Never told them to my wife. Never told my children until some years ago.” 

