"We didn’t have a high school, we had tenth grade, and when you finished the tenth grade, that was the end of the line. Now the other school system across town where I couldn’t go, of course they had high school. So at the end of tenth grade,…

"I was born in Prichard, Alabama, February 8th, 1922. I had one brother and two sisters. I lived with them for about 3 or 4—maybe 8 years, and then it was decided that…I should live with my grandparents. You must remember, in the early days,…

Editor's note: Louvinia Jordan dated her future husband, James Randolph Jordan, for about a year before marrying him. Well, I met my husband after I left the Signal Corps. I moved – I worked for the VA for a while with medical…

Editor's note: Louvinia Jordan was born in the house that her father, Cornelius Vanderbilt Kern, built with his brothers. "My father and his brother built. They cut the timber off of the farm, and dressed it, and built the old house. And…

"So I went looking for a job. The first job that I applied for was a, the job of my dreams – to be a journalist... We didn’t have journalists and faculty in my university, but I took the subjects that were closest to that particular discipline. So I…

"H-I-A-S, which is the Hebrew Immigration Aide Society, used to help immigrants that come to the United States to acclimate themselves. [They] provided the bonding for us to come to America to guarantee that we will not become charge of the…

"I came to United States in June 1950. We arrived in New Orleans on Sunday, I think it was the 4th of June. We couldn’t debark on Sunday. We debarked on Monday. Monday night I was put on a-. What do you call it? Redeye train from New Orleans to…

"I went to work for a textile company. The sales manager was a very nice man by the name of Frank Murphy, may he rest in peace. In those days I was known as Andy, I tried to become as Americanized as much as possible. My nickname in the NBA was…