"I think in the western—in the French, British, and American sides you could pass pretty easily, but it was not easy to pass between the Soviet-controlled side and the western-allotted side. There were checkpoints, and you know, I think only…

"They were not able to move back into the former home, but they moved into an apartment near where they had lived. I believe the original structure was bombed. And I know that they were able to collect some of their original belongings they had…

"I don’t know if he was able to be in contact—if my grandfather was able to be in contact with his brother in Shanghai. They never really said. When I spoke with Kurt’s sons, I never really got a sense that they stayed in contact. Now, Kurt’s…

"At the end of the war, [my father and his family] were actually still living in what would be considered the Western sector in the U.S. administered part of Berlin. My father’s comment to me—The only comment was that I can recall, after the…

"My grandfather was a very quiet man, kind of passive. He always kind of had that glint in his eyes like he had a joke he wanted to tell but never got permission to do it, and my grandmother who was maybe five-foot-two, five-foot-three, she…

"[She decided to immigrate] about three years [after she and my father met]. In 1957, she came to stay and seek employment here, and then they were married in ’59. She did not [become a citizen], and she was very proud of that fact. She had…

"[My parents] met here in the U.S. in 1954, when my mother came on holiday to visit from London. And they were introduced by mutual friends at a concert at Atlanta Symphony Hall, and that’s how they first met. My father [Helmuth Jacobi]…

"I would say [my parents] were conservative. We went to synagogue every Saturday and some Friday evenings. I went to a Hebrew elementary school that was part of the synagogue starting around middle school age. I went to Hebrew high school here…

"I was born in downtown Atlanta at Georgia Baptist Hospital in early 1962. I grew up in Decatur in kind of a small area near North Decatur, and not too far from Toco Hills shopping center, if I remember correctly. As a child I don’t know…

AJL: "So, what do you think are the most important impressions and lessons that you take away from your family’s World War II, and Holocaust, and immigration experiences?" DJ: "I think, just my initial impressions are just fate,…