"I think [my grandmother] made a lot of friends at the synagogue—at Beth Jacob. She did stay in touch with her family in Europe. She had some sisters who actually left Germany before the war. They lived in the Paris area. She did go back to…

"I believe it would have been about 1964-1965 timeframe, [my grandparents] bought a house in Decatur near the intersection of Clairmont Road and Briarcliff Road. And that was actually not far from where I lived, so my grandparents were really…

"They were notified by the same agency that helped them resettle. When word came back to the Americans in Berlin, a communication was sent out to my grandfather, and my father flew up to New York to meet his mother. I know that while they…

"They went through what was then, at least in the state of Georgia, “Americanism” classes to prepare them, along with some other people that had also come from Germany as well, to prepare them for citizenship. Both my grandfather, my father, and…

"[My grandfather, father, and aunt] tried to get help from the American authorities, but the Americans had no knowledge about what was happening either, and if they did, they probably even couldn’t say because the relationship between the…

"And eventually [my grandmother] was released from imprisonment but moved to work camps—several camps over time along the Black Sea in, I believe, Turkmenistan, eventually ending up in Spassk . And that was the last camp that I can recall that she…

"I think in the western—in the French, British, and American sides you could pass pretty easily, but it was not easy to pass between the Soviet-controlled side and the western-allotted side. There were checkpoints, and you know, I think only…

"They were not able to move back into the former home, but they moved into an apartment near where they had lived. I believe the original structure was bombed. And I know that they were able to collect some of their original belongings they had…

"I don’t know if he was able to be in contact—if my grandfather was able to be in contact with his brother in Shanghai. They never really said. When I spoke with Kurt’s sons, I never really got a sense that they stayed in contact. Now, Kurt’s…

"At the end of the war, [my father and his family] were actually still living in what would be considered the Western sector in the U.S. administered part of Berlin. My father’s comment to me—The only comment was that I can recall, after the…