An Act of Kindness

St. James United Methodist Church

"If we [are] going to live in a sane America, sane Israel-Palestine, sane world, we must make the risk to learn the story of one another."

“I’m leaving [St. James United Methodist Church] and [the] secretary said, ‘Will you please take John [to Brookhaven Station]?’ I said, ‘Of course. He’s on my way.’ Before Brookhaven Station, I said, ‘John, I want to take you home… This is the best way for you to know me and for me to know you because we are in a car and we cannot jump anywhere.’ I discovered that this man leaves home at 5:30 to walk to a station for a bus to take him to the train, and from the train to downtown, from downtown to Brookhaven and nobody meets him. He needs [to do this] because Marta disconnected the bus on Peachtree Dunwoody… He spends 3 hours coming and 3 hours going. And when I shared with the staff of St. James, they literally couldn’t believe it. [They] said, ‘We know him for 20 years, but in one trip you got to know more.’ So, to me, if we [are] going to live in a sane America, sane Israel-Palestine, sane world, we must make the risk to learn the story of one another.”

