A Veteran's Homecoming

Resettling after the War

“The transition didn't seem like too much of a transition."

"The transition didn't seem like too much of a transition. Sure, I needed all new clothes and everything, but thankfully, the GI Bill allowed me to complete four years of college, and possibly that's what I was really aiming for all along. But at an early age, I wanted to be a surgeon.  Love conquers all, but for me to go away for four, or seven years, and not get married wouldn't have worked. Combining marriage and college at that time just wasn't feasible. So, thankfully, I got four years of engineering, and I feel it was a big help to me. I love to study, and I do to this very day.”

Editor's note: The G.I. Bill, formally known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, was a landmark piece of legislation that offered a range of benefits to returning World War II veterans. These benefits included financial assistance for education, housing, and starting a business. The GI Bill is credited with playing a major role in fueling America's post-war economic boom and creating a stronger middle class.

