Stories tagged "Racism": 8
The School Fight
“I don’t give a damn what [Governor] Griffin or anyone else said. I refuse to see Georgia go through another period of ignorance. People have asked me why I got in this school fight and I’m not ashamed to tell you. I am the son of a father and…
The Temple Bombing
“Atlanta has prided itself in being a beacon of tolerance and racial and religious decency in the South. This shocks and amazes us. We cannot help but feel this is the work of an out-of-town gang operating southwide. The full resources of the police…
The Corrupt County Unit System
“Atlanta - Since, I, along with others, have spoken out against the county unit system, it is but natural for its defenders to fire back. As usual they rely on prejudice and hate because they have no logic on their side... Why must Georgia always…
The Great and Friendly City of Atlanta
“Here in our own city government we are proud of the progress that is being made in amicable race relations. We have and are making progress in increased public housing for our Negro citizens. We have built new parks and libraries; we have aided in…
You and Segregation
“The United States Supreme Court by its decision today has reduced our Constitution to a mere scrap of paper... The people of Georgia believe in, adhere to, and will fight for their right under the United States and Georgia Constitutions to manage…
Returning to the Governor's Mansion
“You G.I. boys are my campaign managers. You’re the ones that I’m countin’ on next Wednesday to match that solid block of Nigra votes that I know’s gonna’ vote a’ginst me. And I think you can do it...
Now I’ve come to the one issue on which all…
The Cocking Affair
“I was born and raised in Georgia. Four generations of my ancestors sleep beneath Georgia’s sod. I am a graduate of the University of Georgia. My father and my grandfather also were students at the University of Georgia, and walked those paths, and…
Campaigning for the Senate
“Georgia would tax her white people and give 90 percent of the money to the negroes. You know and I know that not 10 percent of the white people would qualify. I protect the negros in his rights. I have friends among the Negroes of the state. I have…