“Pearl Harbor was December 7th, 1941. Yes, I remember it was a Sunday. Everybody was listening, was told to listen to the radio.  President Roosevelt was going to speak. So, of course, our family was huddled around that radio, listening to President…

“We listened to the ‘Voice of America’ from the time the war started until we surrendered on April 8, 1942. Each night we had a fifteen-minute news broadcast through the ‘Voice of America’ which was broadcast out of San Francisco or Los Angles. We…

“It was on Sunday morning and I was getting ready to go to church and we heard on the radio that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor. Now I was 20 years old at that point in time and I knew that I was going to go into the military because I knew…

“When Pearl Harbor was bombed, I was in college. It was Sunday afternoon and we were studying for final exams and one girl came running down the halls saying ‘the President has – Pearl Harbor’s been bombed and the President has declared war.’ And we…

“I do not know where this country would have been after December 7, 1941, if it had not had the ships and the know how to build more ships fast, for which one Vinson bill after another was responsible.” Editor's Note: On December 7th, 1941, Japan…