"See, my father and her father were good friends. So, he told me to go to New Orleans to go see...they had five daughters! I went. They told me Motoko - that was her Japanese name - was there. I went to see her...And I liked her so we got…

"Well, [Eleanor Roosevelt] came to the camp, and after that people started going out to work outside the camp. Until then, no one could go out... I went and I was working in a grocery store [in Cleveland]...When I got my order to go into the…

"There were 10,000 in our camp...as a whole, it was one mile each, you know, all the way. We were on one side of the camp and then there was the side for baseball fields. At first, kids used to go underneath the fence and clean up the field with…

"They told us to go to the railroad station with one suitcase each and we waited for the train and the train came and there were a lot of people there from Los Angeles...We had to keep all the blinds down. But the train operator was mad at the…

"I volunteered to go to the next camp...I was living with my brother. My brother decided to volunteer with me! He left his family and we went just the two of us...I didn’t know where it was and when we left, we thought we were going to go to a…

"We lived in town and they had telephone poles all around in the town, you know, and they said we had to evacuate in a couple of weeks. So my brother, he tried to go to his farm but there was a guard there - an Army guard - and he wouldn’t let…