Stories tagged "1996-2000": 8
Georgia on My Mind
“The year I turned 40, I realized that I was physically cold all the time. So I grew up in New York, I went to college in Boston, I went to graduate school in Michigan, a little bit of time in Africa – warm weather. I discovered I could live in warm…
Marianne Regensburger: Local Celebrity
"She worked for a newspaper in Munich; she worked for other newspapers. Eventually she moved to Berlin until she died in 2002. And she worked in kind of a variety of aspects in what you call the media. She wrote for newspapers. She wrote both, I…
Coming Home
"I grew up in the South but I couldn’t wait to get as far away from that Southern lifestyle as I could get. So, I moved to California, lived there twenty years, flew to Honolulu for ten years. Got as far away as I could get. Then Bob’s business…
Later Years
“After my retirement, I worked with pottery. For a while, it was all I wanted to do. But when our lands were threatened, I found myself at a cross in the road. When you know your standing at that place, there’s no going straight, only this way or…
President of National Environmental Coalition of Native Americans
“The Great Spirit instructed us that, as Native people, we have a consecrated bond with our Mother Earth. We have a sacred obligation to our fellow creatures that live upon it…The purpose of NECONA is to invite tribes to express their sovereign…
Job Security in Georgia
Editor's note: After concluding his studies at Northrop, Eugene Kimling became a consulting engineer, frequently changing jobs to pursue better opportunities. He met and married his wife, Nelline, in California, and they had three children, Joseph,…
Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City
"In 1996, I joined the fledgling museum in New York, the Jewish Heritage museum, the living memorial to the Holocaust, which opened up in 1997. And there, you know, there was a forum for speaking and sharing your experiences. We had thousands…
A Promise Kept
"[I became} a member of the congregation of The Temple on Peachtree Street... I taught Hebrew there for twenty years... Started in 1975 or 1976. I remember the Bremen asked me once to speak... and I said, 'No, I can never do that. This is beyond…