Stories tagged "1941-1943": 8
de Wijk
“The Japanese did invade Indonesia in 1942. They didn’t really know what to expect, but what they did see were the Japanese soldiers appearing on trucks and then all this…shouting and ordering people around and they would find the very nicest homes…
Camp O'Donnell
“Then I was [on] a train there— a hundred men to a box car. The doors all closed and when were arrived 3 or 4 days later, twenty-five or 30 men in each box car had died. Upon arriving at the camp in 1942, we were told by the Japanese that we were…
San Fernando
“I arrived in San Fernando, a sugar cane factory, or where a factory was, and kept in a barbed wire encampment for 3 or 4 days.”
The Bataan Death March
“Our rings and watches and any gold that we had was taken by [the Japanese]. We were lined in columns of four and started marching up the one little narrow paved trail toward San Fernando. We didn’t know where we were going, but every time we met a…
The Battle of Bataan
“Beginning Christmas Day, 1941, we were put on a boat and taken across the bay to Bataan. We advanced as far up the peninsula as possible, marching until we met the Japanese, 75 or 80 miles up the Bataan Peninsula. That is where we drew a line…
Voice of America
“We listened to the ‘Voice of America’ from the time the war started until we surrendered on April 8, 1942. Each night we had a fifteen-minute news broadcast through the ‘Voice of America’ which was broadcast out of San Francisco or Los Angles. We…
The Cocking Affair
“I was born and raised in Georgia. Four generations of my ancestors sleep beneath Georgia’s sod. I am a graduate of the University of Georgia. My father and my grandfather also were students at the University of Georgia, and walked those paths, and…
Looking Forward
“It may be a long and hard struggle, but we will do it [win the war]. When it has been done, our next job will be to ensure that the threat of aggression is removed from the world we live in. In order to do so we must be strong – strong enough to…