"Well, you know, we grew up watching Dallas. We think everybody’s rich and thin. And then you come to America and you’re going 'Oh. Oh. Okay. Huh.' But my first impression was like Snow White. I flew Eastern from New York to…

"Well, we collected a lot of material (at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in DC). My wife,(Claire) I’ve gotta give her thanks for putting it all together. You’ve seen the books that I’ve collected that she put together, and you…

"They moved to New York from Columbus, Georgia, during the Civil War, or as they call it here, the War of Northern Aggression. They came to New York in 1865. My great-grandfather had been captured by the Yankees and removed from the scene. My…

"My mother was actually an American citizen, but she was born in France, because my grandfather—her father—was named Alfred Rothschild. He was born in Columbus, Georgia, not too far from here. And the house that he was born in still remains…

"We had two children in Germany. One of them became an attorney. She did her undergraduate work in Florida and then came up to UGA in Athens. And she used to come to Atlanta quite a bit, and she said that she was going to settle here. …

"About three or four o’clock in the afternoon we came into Atlanta Terminal Station in downtown. And we sat there on the train. The train stopped. I guess if the train had a different destination than Atlanta, we would have gone on. We didn’t…

"Buttermilk Bottom was a, a ghetto area. So, totally, you know, a black area. Dilapidated buildings. I remember one day--my dad was telling me that this young kid came into the store and tried to steal some food. My dad stopped him and asked…

"Confidentially, my plans are to be in Warm Springs, Georgia after March twenty-ninth, for a couple of weeks" Editor's Note: Franklin Delano Roosevelt died in one of his favorite places. The quote above was part of a telegram he…

"Our group, B-25, was supposed to go in the Pacific, and we were supposed to fly a mission from some island near…Japan onto Japan to the Japan mainland, that’s what we were supposed to do. And this thing got so bad, so very bad, that the…

"After high school in Henry County, I learned the Tuskegee would offer people jobs. They would give ’em work scholarships, and if you would come to Tuskegee and wan—and you were willing to work, you could just about work your way through…