Stories tagged "Georgia Standards of Excellence": 40
Military Might
“After twenty-two months in the South Pacific, I was sent back to the United States and given twenty days leave so I could visit with my wife and my first-born son, Herman Eugene Talmadge, Jr., whom I had not seen. When that leave was up I was…
Who Will Be Governor?
“Boys, I’m dying, but my doctors won’t tell me so. I need somebody to pick up after I’m gone, and it oughta be Herman. Herman’s a brilliant boy; he has a great future in politics. He could even be a senator. Lindley, you know a lot of politics, and…
Returning to the Governor's Mansion
“You G.I. boys are my campaign managers. You’re the ones that I’m countin’ on next Wednesday to match that solid block of Nigra votes that I know’s gonna’ vote a’ginst me. And I think you can do it...
Now I’ve come to the one issue on which all…
The Cocking Affair
“I was born and raised in Georgia. Four generations of my ancestors sleep beneath Georgia’s sod. I am a graduate of the University of Georgia. My father and my grandfather also were students at the University of Georgia, and walked those paths, and…
Campaigning for the Senate
“Georgia would tax her white people and give 90 percent of the money to the negroes. You know and I know that not 10 percent of the white people would qualify. I protect the negros in his rights. I have friends among the Negroes of the state. I have…
Opposing the New Deal
“Trying to help the farmer! Telling him what to plant on his land, and how little, and then telling him that taxing it over 50 per cent of its worth will help him! And those who were hired and given jobs with the government pretend to believe…
Martial Law in Georgia
“When the national guards are ordered out, they are to protect the lives and property of all of the citizens of this state. This means strikers, union members, non-union members, laborers, executives, and all. I hope that there will not be a skin…
Promises Fulfilled and Left Empty
“Campaign promises, and pledges are sacred and every official who comes in office should give his first consideration to carrying out the promises made to the people of the State...The reduction of the cost of automobile tags was one of the…
Campaign Promises
“Whenever anything is undertaken by anybody with the object of robbing the people who have to live by the sweat of their brow, it is always worked so smoothly that such nefarious schemes are put over before the people find out what is being…
Scandal, Hogs, and Impeachment
“Is not money better spent in raising the price on hogs or any farm commodity than it is in hiring extra help and additional salaries? If the money had been spent in salaries or expenses, there would never have been any question. I think that it was…