"I did not make it through civil engineering. The company that I started with came to me and said, 'We started your education. We want to finish it. But we want to get you to change from civil engineering.' I said, 'What do you…

"I came home after all the reunions. I opened the door to my real world and I saw a tremendous mountain. I had no money. My education and my life had been put on a shelf. I had to reclaim all of that. And when I looked at that mountain, it’d be…

"We finally made it to San Francisco. They pulled us into the harbor...For over two years I’d seen nothing but Marine green in the Pacific. The most beautiful colors I’d ever seen in my life. We went under the Golden Gate. It was hanging with…

"He worked for a company out in Chattanooga, and he was the national sales manager of that one, and they sold it to some other company, and at that point in time, my husband said, 'They’re gonna pick our heads free, and then they’ll let us…

"After his ship moved away from Japan, they went on down to the Hawaiian Isles, and they went to Pearl Harbor and picked up a lot of sailors that had enough hours in to get out. They chugged in to San Diego in November right around Thanksgiving…

"Yes, I went there…and…he did graduate, and I was there. My wife wasn’t there, she had passed away, but I sat there during that graduation and…I think I was kind of transfixed because my grandson was graduating from one of the best schools in…

"I had a wife. Her name was Mattie. I met her in college. We stayed married a long time. She passed away about 4 or 5 years ago. She was a teacher. She taught elementary school. She also taught special education, now, if you have any…

"And in the Middle East, they came to our place, came to our laboratory, and we talked to them and tell them what we were doing…and someone in the Middle East bought a license from Union Carbide. And they found out that they really didn’t know…

"I went to work for a company called Union Carbide. This company had a division called the Visking Division, and this division would make skins for skinless wieners. There was a man who noticed that America was buying more and more hot dogs. …

"Now, after the war’s over, and wars have a way of ending, I came back to school, and I went to graduate school at T—at Syracuse, Syracuse University. And I flew with the New York Air National Guard as a radar observer, and that was a…