Stories tagged "Elections": 12
The Corrupt County Unit System
“Atlanta - Since, I, along with others, have spoken out against the county unit system, it is but natural for its defenders to fire back. As usual they rely on prejudice and hate because they have no logic on their side... Why must Georgia always…
His One and Only Defeat
“I thought I did such a helluva good job that I didn’t need to campaign, but that’s not right. You’ve got to fight every time. You could pave the streets with gold, reduce taxes to a nickel a year and scent the sewers with Chanel No. 5 – and they…
Elected Mayor
“You and I may as well face the fact that our people now demand of us a right-about-face in the conduct of this government, and will stand for no petty strife or selfish political manipulation. I take office with a feeling of humble gratefulness to…
“Beyond the press and the Ethics Committee, however, there was a court of last resort that had always found in my favor. Always when the going was roughest, the Talmadges had drawn their strength from the ordinary people of Georgia. What I didn’t…
Who Will Be Governor?
“Boys, I’m dying, but my doctors won’t tell me so. I need somebody to pick up after I’m gone, and it oughta be Herman. Herman’s a brilliant boy; he has a great future in politics. He could even be a senator. Lindley, you know a lot of politics, and…
Returning to the Governor's Mansion
“You G.I. boys are my campaign managers. You’re the ones that I’m countin’ on next Wednesday to match that solid block of Nigra votes that I know’s gonna’ vote a’ginst me. And I think you can do it...
Now I’ve come to the one issue on which all…
Campaigning for the Senate
“Georgia would tax her white people and give 90 percent of the money to the negroes. You know and I know that not 10 percent of the white people would qualify. I protect the negros in his rights. I have friends among the Negroes of the state. I have…
Campaign Promises
“Whenever anything is undertaken by anybody with the object of robbing the people who have to live by the sweat of their brow, it is always worked so smoothly that such nefarious schemes are put over before the people find out what is being…
A Dirt Farmer
“Boys, Mr. Brown has charged that I am not a lawyer of good repute. I ask any lawyer that has ever practiced law with me at the bar to hold up their hands. Haven’t I always conducted myself as a lawyer should and have I ever violated the ethics of…
From State to Nation
Editor’s Note: Russell would leave his post as Governor not long after obtaining it, as Georgia Senator William Harris would die of a heart attack in 1932. After a heated senate run in 1933 making him the youngest member of the senate, Russell began…