“In looking back over my life, I suppose I have the normal share of regrets. But if I had it all to do over again, I wouldn’t hesitate to enter politics. The rewards far outweigh the price one has to pay. When I speak to a civic club or just walk…

“Beyond the press and the Ethics Committee, however, there was a court of last resort that had always found in my favor. Always when the going was roughest, the Talmadges had drawn their strength from the ordinary people of Georgia. What I didn’t…

“Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, to find me guilty of complicity in the Riggs account, you would have to accept the word of a proven liar, cheat, and embezzler. You would have to accept his word against that of a senator who has held the…

“The Senate Majority Leader, Mike Mansfield, called me and said, ‘Herman, I would like for you to serve on the Watergate Committee.’ I said, ‘Mike, I am Chairman of the Agriculture Committee, Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee, Vice Chairman of…

“The United States Supreme Court by its decision today has reduced our Constitution to a mere scrap of paper... The people of Georgia believe in, adhere to, and will fight for their right under the United States and Georgia Constitutions to manage…

“It is not enough to just be governor without any ambition or foresight for his state or its people who elected him. I tell you now, I do not intend to be that kind of governor. On the other hand, your governor can initiate progressive and…

“When I had come home from the Navy a year earlier, I had wanted nothing more than for my daddy to be elected governor again and for me to be set up in a law practice where I could make a living for myself and for my family. Now here I was, with my…

“All I remember about that night is that it seemed to last forever. I’d talk about one thing or another with the family, friends, and reporters who were all there waiting for the end. Then along about seven Saturday morning I went out on the…

“We all reached the conclusion that if Papa died, the legislature would have to elect a governor from the two candidates getting the most write-in votes in the November general election... We knew that some die-hard Jimmie Carmichael supporters…

“August 1945. We drop anchor in Tokyo Bay, begin unloading equipment, and send the troops ashore in attack waves. A few weeks ago the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and just a few days ago the Emperor Hirohito went on…