“Had he lived, the nation would have the continued benefit of his wisdom, his foresight, his humanity, his understanding, his vigor and stamina, his incomparable leadership. All has now been ended for this great and good man. He now belongs to the…

“It is continuing strength that will maintain peace for this nation. But strength alone without the will to use it loses much of its vitality. The world waited with bated breath our decision last fall when it became apparent that Cuba was about to…

“Gunfire never destroyed an idea and by the same token, the searing heat of an atomic bomb will not obliterate the philosophy of communism. Only a better philosophy of life, that which comes from the minds and hearts of free men, can ever…

“I figured it all out, and took them along for two reasons: First, I figured that with all those big Air Force people aboard, the pilot would be very careful when we got up in the sky. And second, I wanted to make sure that if the plane did come…

“It may be a long and hard struggle, but we will do it [win the war]. When it has been done, our next job will be to ensure that the threat of aggression is removed from the world we live in. In order to do so we must be strong – strong enough to…

“I favor a navy for this country second to none in power. I do not advocate a navy to rule the waves, but I do believe our country has a tremendous responsibility in helping to preserve the freedom of the seas for peaceful commerce.” Editor's Note:…

“I want to say that it is your fight, the fight of your country, the fight of your boy, the fight of the women in your home, the fight of the helpless babes in your household. It is up to you not only to vote but work and strive to help carry to a…

“I wanted to serve on a committee where I could see the results of my labors. When you authorize the construction of a military base or a big carrier you can see the results.”Editor's Note: Carl Vinson spent much of his first term in Congress…

“I am a hater of war and a devoted lover of peace, but, sir, Mr. Chairman, in my hour of seclusion and study I have to the best of my humble capacity held up the lamp of the past to the face of the future, and I call God to witness that I would be…